
11 2021

2 PM Growing Up Loving Henri Panel Discussion

2:00PM - 4:00PM  

Searching for Identity
904-419-9915 info@searchingforidentity.org

Holocaust Remembrance Programming Series Honors Holocaust Survivor & Philanthropist Henri Landwirth Legacy with Two Events

April 8 through April 10  Loving Henri Film Screening

Watch the documentary Loving Henri. Learn how Landwirth survived five concentration camps, immigrated to the U.S. and rebuilt his shattered life, driving by love and an intense desire to heal the world.

April 11, 2 p.m. Sunday  Growing Up Loving Henri Panel Discussion Webinar

 Attend the Growing Up Loving Henri panel discussion featuring Henri Landwirth's children Gary, Lisa and Greg, as they discuss their father's life and the responsibilities faced by all children of survivors to ensure their family's Holocaust survivor story is always remembered.

Webinar Registration: RSVP by April 6 to https://tccfl.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_q2TkQcswR0OTe-azeewn6w

For more information, contact info@searchingforidentity.org or 904.419.9915