Super Sunday efforts truly super

This year's Super Sunday was a magical event. Our Young Leadership Division members, representatives from the local agencies, and many of our community Rabbis comprised an inspired group hitting the phones and doing their part toward raising money for the 2010 Campaign. Some people got increased donations; others got people to donate for the first time. Whatever the result of the phone calls, we had a lot of fun while helping to make sure there is more money for people in need. Special thanks go to Allison and Ken Jacobs for chairing the event, to Jennifer Plotkin, our YLD vice-chair (campaign), to all of the generous people who made their campaign gifts, and to the entire staff of the Federation for all of their efforts. I am proud to say we raised more than $100,000 in just our first day of calling. If you can make one of our next calling days (Feb. 18 at 6:30 p.m. or Feb. 21 at 9:30 a.m., both at the Federation office), please contact Adam at the Federation offices.


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