Someone once (or on many occasions) said the older we get the quicker time goes... I must be getting old because it seems as if it were yesterday we were discussing the High Holidays and where we would be breaking our fast. Suddenly it is Spring and talk has turned to summer vacations, camp plans and the mission trip to Israel. The one thing that continues to remain constant is the impact the Jewish Community and the Jewish Federation of Jacksonville continues to have on Jews near and far.
This coming weekend is a perfect example of the different types of activities that brings members of the Young Leadership Division together. On Friday, March 30, in the true spirit of Tikkun Olam, YLD Cares! will join forces with Habijax to help paint and landscape homes in the New Town area as part of the Habijax Blitz Build. In my opinion, the best part of this type of social action project is our Jewish community coming together to help our larger Jacksonville community.
On Sunday, April 1, there is a completely different type of "social action" when young families will get together for a pre-Passover pizza and pasta party. It is likely the parents will attempt to be social while at the same time watching over their active children! This is an annual event that continues to draw more families each year. This year we will get together at 3 p.m. at the Durbin Crossing North Amenity Center for some Passover themed crafts, story time and a family kickball game. Not only is this a great opportunity to see friends both old and new, but it is also a wonderful time for our young families to get together before school ends for the year and everyone scatters to their different summer plans.
Even if you are not able to join either of these events, we still want you to be a part of our community. "Like" us on Facebook and continue to visit our website and hopefully we will see you soon!
Have a happy and sweet Passover,
Erica and Nancy
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