Temple Bet Yam of St. Augustine presents SUNDAY AT THE MOVIES! on Sunday, November 21, 2021, at 12 noon. (Registration deadline is November 18.) Showing is the National Geographic film, JERUSALEM, at the IMAX Theater in World Golf Village, St Augustine, FL. This wonderful, immersive experience, narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch, takes you on a journey to one of the world’s most beloved and beautiful cities. Three teenagers, a Jew, a Christian, and a Muslim, who all live in Jerusalem, will take you through the city and share where they go and how the city is important to them. An archaeologist from the University of North Carolina accompanies them and helps explain the finds and secrets which explain the Jerusalem’s past.
The Washington Post described the panoramic photography as "at once awe-inspiring and intimate" and said watching the film "may be as close as a person can get to praying at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the Western Wall, without actually going there.”
We hope you will join us at the 275 seat IMAX Theater where social distancing is easy. For the $15.00 admission, you can enjoy popcorn and a beverage while you watch the movie. To register for this event, let us know who you are, address and phone number, how many of you will be joining us, and the total amount enclosed. Please make checks payable to Temple Bet Yam, indicating IMAX in the memo, and send it to Temple Bet Yam, P.O. Box 860098, St. Augustine FL 32086. Registration deadline is November 18th.Questions? Contact Carol Levy at (954)895-7332.