
10 2016

7:30PM Israel and the Jewish Connection

7:30PM - 9:00PM  

Etz Chaim Synagogue 10167 San Jose Blvd
Jacksonville, FL

Contact Dorri Kraus
730-2100 ext. 228

COMMUNITY PROGRAM: The JCA is pleased to partner with Etz Chaim for “Israel Today,” a 4-day series highlighting the richness of Israel and some of her most daunting challenges. This series is free to the entire community. Call ext. 228 or visit www.jcajax.org/ji for more information or to register.

Israel and the Jewish Connection

Why did G-d promise Israel to the Jews? Why didn’t he give them another place, instead? Israel has a special holiness that other lands do not have. Join Rabbi Fisch for an in-depth discussion on this multi layered topic.

This event is on Wednesday, February 10 at 7:30 pm at Etz Chaim Synagogue.