Yossi Klein Halevi is a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem.
Together with Imam Abdullah Antepli of Duke University, he co-directs the
Institute’s Muslim Leadership Initiative. Yossi is the author of Like Dreamers: The
Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation,
published by HarperCollins in 2013, which won the Jewish Book Council’s Everett
Family Foundation Jewish Book of the Year Award. Yossi writes for the op-ed pages
of leading American newspapers.
Yossi’s first book, Memoirs of a Jewish Extremist, told the story of his teenage
attraction to, and subsequent disillusionment with Jewish militancy. The New York
Times called it “a book of burning importance.” His next book is being released in
May and titled Letters to my Palestinian Neighbor.
5:30 PM - Club Member* Pre-Reception and Book Signing
7:00 PM - Program Open to the community
Dessert and coffee will be served.
RSVP @ www.aipac.org/YKHJAX by May 10, 2018
* Club Member Pre-Reception is reserved for those who have generously contributed a minimum of $1,800 to our 2018 Campaign. For more information regarding the Club Member Pre-Reception or to RSVP , please contact Jake Shapiro by emailing jashapiro@aipac.org or contact the Florida AIPAC office at (954) 382-6110.
For security purposes, advance registration is required.