“You Won't Know Where You're Going if You Don't Know Where You've Been”
Saturday, January 21 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Charting the Future of Ahavath Chesed
Congregation Transition Workshop
This workshop is designed to help Temple members review the accomplishments and difficulties of the past and begin moving toward new goals - to focus on the future rather than the past. Interactive exercises, small group discussion, presentations and conversation among all the participants. Lunch will be provided.
Childcare and lunch will be provided for children with prior reservation. Staffing will be based on reservations received by January 16. No child can be accepted into childcare without reservation. RSVP@thetemplejacksonville.org by January 16 so appropriate arrangements can be made for the workshop.
Be a participant in charting our future! RSVP@thetemplejacksonville.org