
5 2019

7:15 PM The Temple The Making of Modern Israel Session 2

7:15PM - 8:30PM  

Congregation Ahavath Chesed (The Temple) 8727 San Jose Blvd
Jacksonville, FL

Contact Beth Turner

$ Cost $ 0.00

Taught by Harvey Leven, M.A.

The second session will take up with the end of the Suez Campaign, and examine the historical events of the 1960’s through current times.

Covered topics will include: * The lead-up to the Six Day War *The “miracle” of the Six Day War victory, and the resultant capture of East Jerusalem, Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan Heights. * UN Resolution 242 on the Six Day War *Why Israel retained the territories captured during the Six Day War, despite offers to return them. * The slaughter of Israeli Olympians during the 1972 Olympic Games * Terror at Israel’s Airport, and other terrorist acts against Israel * The nasty surprise that awaited Israel on Yom Kippur, 1973, and the confrontation it almost caused between the United States and the Soviet Union * Israel rescues terrorist hostages at Entebbe Airport in Uganda (1976) * The rescue of Jewish Ethiopian refugees, and bringing them to Israel *War with Hezbollah in Lebanon * Peace with Jordan and Egypt * The Oslo Accords with the Palestinian Authority - success & failure * Israel’s stance in the world today as a regional military, economic and innovative powers. And how despite that, Israel still finds herself under potential siege from 200,000 rockets aimed at her from Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Gaza, while simultaneously needing to prepare for war with the Islamic Republic of Iran.