The Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida (JFFNF) is the only organization in our Jewish community with an Annual Campaign raising funds to support local and overseas agencies.
Over the course of the past 10 years, the Federation have allocated over $16 million dollars to these outstanding agencies and schools. The programs and services JFFNF provides touch the lives of Jewish and non-Jewish people of all ages living in Jacksonville, Israel, and more than 70 countries throughout the world.
JFFNF also funds trips to Israel for the younger members of the community with the Joan Levin Gift of Israel Program.
With a team of dedicated campaign volunteers, JFFNF reaches out each year to the community via face-to-face solicitations, special events, an annual phonathon, direct mail and on our website.
Jewish Community Alliance
Jewish Family & Community Services
River Garden Senior Services
Martin J. Gottlieb Day School